Cara menggunakan python advanced interview questions

It's always helpful to know what kind of advanced Python interview questions to expect during your coding interview. This article provides some Python advanced interview questions and answers to help you prepare for your interview, as well as a list of sample Python advanced interview questions to help you gauge your preparation level.

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In this article, we’ll discuss advanced Python interview questions and answers for fresher and experienced developers.

We’ll look at:

  • Advanced Python Interview Questions and Answers
  • Sample Advanced Python Interview Questions for Practice
  • FAQs on Advanced Python Interview Questions

Q1: If a function doesn’t have a return statement, is it valid?

Yes, it is valid. By default, all the functions in Python return the particular value “None” unless an explicit return statement is present to return a value that’s not “None”.

Learn Python Exit Commands here.

Q2: What’s the main difference between local and global namespaces?

The main difference is that the creation of Global namespaces occurs when the program begins, while local namespaces are created within a function when that function is called. 

Q3: Differentiate between exception handling in Python and Java.

In Java, we can do exceptional handling using these five keywords: try, catch, throw, throws, and finally. On the other hand, Python has its own method for exception handling, and we can use the blockto handle exceptions. Theblock can help you check error details without program termination and may also offer suggestions for fixing the error.

Learn what is type() and isinstance() in Python here.

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Q4: Describe compile-time and run-time code checking in Python.

Compile-time and run-time code checking is done uniquely in Python and involves first checking a small portion during compile-time checking. Then most other checks like name and type checks happen only during code execution. So referencing a non-existent function in your Python code will still lead it to successful compilation. But your code will fail with an exception only during code execution when the code execution path references the non-existent function.

Know How to Find the Length of a String in Python here.

Q5: Differentiate between instance and class variables?

‍Check some more Python Interview Questions here.

Sample Advanced Python Interview Questions for Practice

Here are some frequently asked Python advanced interview questions that you can practice to level up your interview preparation:

Advanced Python Interview Questions for Experienced Developers

  • Lambda form
  • Pickling
  • Python
  • Dynamically typed language
  • Interpreted language
  • Scope 
  • PEP 8 
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Dictionary
  • Pass
  • Module
  • Package
  • try
  • except 
  • raise
  • finally
  • Namespace
  • Inheritance
  1. What are the advantages of using Python?
  2. What are the disadvantages of using Python?

Advanced Python Programming Interview Questions

  1. Name and explain the following in Python:
  • Different types of sequences
  • Common built-in data types
  • Copy an object in Python
  • Convert a string to a number
  • Send an email from a Python Script
  1. Why is PEP 8 important?
  2. Explain how Python is executed.
  3. How do we pass arguments by value or reference?
  4. Differentiate between .py and .pyc files.
  5. How would you randomize a list’s items in place?
  6. Describe the correct usage of error handling in Python.

FAQs on Advanced Python Interview Questions

Q1. What are some key features of Python?

Some key features of Python are that it’s: easy to code, free, open-source, interpreted, high-level and integrated, object-oriented, portable, dynamically typed, extensible, and offers GUI programming support.

Q2. What are keywords in Python?

Reserved and predefined words with special meanings used to define the coding syntax are called keywords in Python. Except for True and False, we always write these keywords in Python in lowercase. They can also not be used as variable, function, or identifier names.

Q3. What are the applications of Python?

Python has several applications, including business, scientific, numeric, web, audio/video-based, software development, desktop GUI, console-based, and 3D CAD applications.

Q4. What are the advantages of Python?

Python has English-like syntax, is concise, object-oriented, high-level, interpreted, free, and open source. Hence, Python is easy to learn, access, and write code in. Also, Python code is more readable, portable, and maintainable, and Python offers vast library support. No wonder then that Python improves the productivity of software developers and makes the process of software development smoother.

Q5. How many data types are there in Python?

Python has five standard data types: String, Numbers, Tuple, List, and Dictionary.

Ready to Nail Your Next Coding Interview?

Whether you’re a coding engineer gunning for a software developer or software engineer role, a tech lead, or you’re targeting management positions at top companies, IK offers courses specifically designed for your needs to help you with your technical interview preparation!

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Bagaimana memulai python?

Buka IDLE (python shell di windows), Anda bisa mencarinya di tombol START ..
Tuliskan script Python Anda, contoh: print("Selamat datang di Python") . jika sudah tekan tombol ENTER , dan script Python akan dijalankan/eksekusi..

Python bisa bikin apa?

Python adalah bahasa pemrograman yang banyak digunakan dalam aplikasi web, pengembangan perangkat lunak, ilmu data, dan machine learning (ML). Developer menggunakan Python karena efisien dan mudah dipelajari serta dapat dijalankan di berbagai platform.

Di bidang apa python dapat digunakan?

Python memiliki banyak penerapan di berbagai bidang, termasuk web development, automasi, software testing, analisis data, machine learning, dan pengembangan game.

Kenapa memilih bahasa python?

Mudah untuk Dipelajari Kalau Python menjadi bahasa pemrograman yang sangat cocok untuk dipelajari oleh programmer pemula. Alasannya karena struktur kode Python mirip dengan bahasa Inggris sehari-hari serta memiliki sintaksis ringkas sehingga membuat Python mudah dipahami dibandingkan bahasa pemrograman lainnya.

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