Cara memindahkan data dari autocad ke excel

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Data GPS Ke Excel autocad

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Data GPS Ke Excel Autocad

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Data GPS Ke Excel autocad

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When trying to insert or update a data link in AutoCAD, the following error displays even though Excel is installed on the system:

Table - Excel Not Found

The data link cannot be created because Excel cannot be found.

Check to make sure that Microsoft Excel is installed properly on this computer.


  • Not all Office components are from the same version. 
  • Corrupt installation of Microsoft Office.
  • Corrupt installation of AutoCAD.
  • Differing bit architecture between AutoCAD and Excel.
  • The language of Office differs from that of AutoCAD.
  • Microsoft Excel is not installed.
  • Data Corruption.
  • A registry key points to the file MSO.DLL. In cases of mismatched versions, the message about Excel not being found will display.


Try one or more of the following suggestions to attempt to fix the issue:

Different Microsoft Office versions:

  • Delete the newer registry key which points to the version of Excel that is not installed. See: Removing Outdated References to Office from the System Registry (see Warning).
    • As an alternative to deleting the keys, it is possible to edit them so that any/all paths to EXCEL.EXE use the same valid path to the only EXCEL.EXE on the computer.
  • Fix the MSO.DLL scenario by editing the pertinent registry key to point to the newest version of MSO.DLL on the machine 



    New value - should be the directory path to where the most current version of MSO.DLL file resides on the machine. For example:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\vfs\ProgramFilesCommonX64\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE16\MSO.DLL


Differing bit architecture between AutoCAD and Microsoft Office:

  • Currently supported AutoCAD products are 64bit only. While Microsoft Office can install as 32bit on a 64bit system, to work correctly with AutoCAD products 64bit MS Office has to be installed.
  • To determine the bit type of Excel:
  1. Start Excel.
  2. Open the Task Manager (right-click the taskbar in Windows).
  3. Click the Processes tab.
  4. Find the EXCEL.EXE process. If it shows "EXCEL.EXE *32" then it is 32-bit (processes with no "*32" are 64-bit).
  5. If it shows as "EXCEL.EXE *32" uninstall Microsoft Office and then install the 64-bit version. See Uninstall Office from a PC.

Corrupt installation:

  • If Excel matches the bit architecture of AutoCAD, try the following in order:
  1. Repair the AutoCAD installation. See How to repair or reinstall an AutoCAD installation.
  2. Repair the Microsoft Office installation. See Repair an Office 
  3. Uninstall and reinstall Microsoft Office. See Uninstall Office from a PC. 
  4. Perform Online Repair for Microsoft / Office 365 

Language mismatch:

  1. Install both Office and AutoCAD with the same language version. 

  2. Verify that data links can be created in AutoCAD.

  3. Install the preferred Office language version overtop the first one.

Using Google Docs or WPS Office:  

  • Microsoft Excel has to be installed for datalinks to work. 
  • Google docs and WPS Office are not supported with datalink feature in AutoCAD as of yet.
  • As a work-around, try using Block Attribute Data Extraction. It will give the ability to extract attribute information from the blocks or objects into a table object.  For more information, see the knowledge article: Have You Tried: Extract Attribute Values from Blocks.

Data Corruption:

  1. Remove all Excel tables (_DATALINK) from the drawing.
    1. Mark their insertion point and size before removing the links.
  2. Repair the drawing file using one of these methods:
    • Copy/paste operations in Optimizing the AutoCAD drawing file: Windows Clipboard Copy and Paste.
    • Using commands WBLOCK, INSERT or CLASSICINSERT the model space into a new, blank drawing of the same drawing units type. (see Optimizing the AutoCAD drawing file: Wblock Purge).
  3. Repair each Excel file:
    1. Copy the whole range of the data from the workbook.
    2. Create a new Excel file.
    3. Paste the data, then save the file.
  4. Reinsert the tables to their locations in the new drawing.

Problems caused by improperly editing the Windows registry could render the computer operating system unusable. Microsoft provides a wealth of critical information about the registry in the Microsoft Knowledge base. Use the Microsoft Registry Editor only at your own risk and only after backing up the registry as outlined for the operating system in the Microsoft article: How to back up and restore the registry in Windows and in the related solution: 
How to backup the system registry. Additional information about the registry is also contained in the Help topics in the Microsoft Registry Editor.

See Also:

  • ODBC driver with Office 365 to use with AutoCAD products
  • Unable to use the Access ODBC, OLEDB or DAO interfaces outside Office Click-to-Run application
  • Removing Outdated References to Office from the System Registry
  • How to repair or reinstall an AutoCAD installation
  • Have You Tried: Extract Attribute Values from Blocks


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