Can you still ask for recommendations on Facebook 2022?

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Did you know Facebook allows you to ask your friends to recommend places to visit in specific cities (even your own)? For instance, if you’re planning a vacation, you may want to ask your friends for restaurant recommendations in the area. Or, you may be looking for a great mechanic in your own town.


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Think about the last time you needed a recommendation for a service or product. Chances are, you turned to your friends on Facebook. If you’re a professional that provides local services, make sure your page is set up to allow people to recommend you to their friends easily. Here’s how.

What are Facebook recommendations, and how do they work?

  • What are Facebook recommendations, and how do they work?
  • How to Ask For Recommendations on Facebook
  • What to do if someone recommends your business on Facebook

Facebook recommendations are a way for people to give recommendations to their friends about local businesses, services, and products. They appear in the right-hand column of Facebook under the “recommendations” section. When someone gives you a recommendation, it shows up on their timeline with a link to your page so that their friends can see it.

If you’re a business, service, or product that people recommend to their friends, it’s important to make sure your Facebook page is set up to allow recommendations. When people recommend you to their friends, it shows up on your page and helps you get more exposure.

Here’s how to set up your Facebook page to allow recommendations:

1) Go to your Facebook page and click on the “About” tab.

2) Scroll down to the “recommendations” section and click on the edit button.

3) Make sure the “allow people to recommend this page” box is checked.

4) Click save.

Adding a call-to-action button that says “Recommend” to your page’s cover photo is best to encourage recommendations. People can click the button and write a review without leaving Facebook.

Another way to ask for recommendations is to post it on your page. For example, you could say something like, “If you’ve had a great experience with our company, please leave us a recommendation on our Facebook page!”

When people do leave recommendations, be sure to thank them! A simple “Thanks for the recommendation!” post will do.

By following these steps, you can make it easy for your customers to recommend you to their friends on Facebook. Asking for recommendations is a great way to build word-of-mouth marketing and get more business.

What to do if someone recommends your business on Facebook

First and foremost, you should be grateful. When someone suggests your business on Facebook, it’s a sign that they want to help you succeed. They were thinking of you and your business, and they decided to take action. So thank them.

A simple “thank you” goes a long way. But don’t stop there. Once you’ve thanked them, take a moment to engage with the person who made the recommendation. Leave a comment on their post, or reach out to them directly to let them know how much you appreciate their support.

By showing your appreciation, you’ll make the person who recommended you feel good, and you’ll also increase the chances that they’ll continue to support your business in the future.

The bottom line

Facebook recommendations are a powerful way to get more exposure for your business. By making it easy for people to recommend you, and by showing your appreciation when they do, you can encourage more people to recommend you to their friends. In turn, this will help you get more business.

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Today, Facebook is a social network of great help, since it not only works to upload photos or make publications, but also serves to advertise on this free social network or publicize a service. And you can even ask your friends for recommendations.

In such a way, that today, most people go to Facebook, to publicize your business by advertising free or paid, brands, add services or to ask for recommendations of anything. This being a very useful tool, mainly when we have doubts about something or do not know which option to choose, in terms of a place, a company, a restaurant, among other things.

But, if you still do not know how it works, what it is for or how you can ask for recommendations from Facebook, don’t worry. Because here we will help you solve these unknowns. So, we invite you to take a look at this content.

Ask for recommendations on Facebook

As was emphasized from the beginning, currently, through the social network Facebook, a series of activities, which are of great help to their users, both in personal growth, as professional or work. It is for this sense that it has become a fundamental means in the daily life of the human being.

It should be noted that this social network is constantly evolving, including very useful functions. An example of this is the option to ask your friends for recommendations from Facebook. This option works in a simple way, but it is effective when we want to know the opinion of others, about a specific topic.

Exactly, the function of Facebook recommendations, allows users to review any business, brand, etc.. You can also include images, texts and labels related to the business activity.

Steps to ask for recommendations on Facebook

If you want to ask your Facebook friends for a recommendation, you should follow the instructions below:

  • Enter the Facebook account from the browser on your website or from the app
  • Then click Create Post (in the upper area, of the news section)
  • Once there, press drop down menu (the three horizontal dots, found in the create a post pop-up).
  • Next, it appears several options, choose where it says Ask for recommendations.

  • Then you must select city from where you want to get the recommendation.
  • Then click What are you looking for? and add the text or information regarding the recommendations you need.
  • To select the people you want to ask for recommendations, check the Public button. Bearing in mind that if you opt for the option Public, anyone can give you a recommendation; If you choose the Friends alternative, you will only be able to receive recommendations from your Facebook friends.
  • Similarly, if you don’t want to ask someone on your friends list for recommendations, just click Friends except … Then, add the name of the users from whom you will not ask for recommendations and click on Save changes
  • Finally, check the option of To post
  • In this way, you have already asked your Facebook friends for recommendations.

What can I do to get better recommendations on Facebook?

When we ask for recommendations on Facebook we hope to get good results. For this reason, it is important to take into account some tricks, which will help you achieve better results, among them, we have:

  • One of the most efficient ways to attract responses from your friends on Facebook is by a question regarding the recommendation what do you need. It is advised that it be short, precise and friendly.
  • Add to the question, the word recommendation or a similar term
  • It is important make known, the place where you want the recommendation. For example, if it is a restaurant, you must specify the city or place from where you want to obtain the information.
  • Make a specific request, referring to what you want. Highlighting if it is a business, a brand, a meal, among other things.

Yes you comply and include these details in your request, you will get best results in the recommendations that your friends make.

How do I ask for a recommendation on Facebook 2022?

To ask for recommendations on Facebook:.
Log into the Facebook app for iOS or Android..
Tap What's on your mind? ... .
Scroll down and tap Ask for Recommendations..
Tap Add a Location to select the city where you're looking for recommendations..

Why can't I do a recommendation on Facebook?

On the left side of your Facebook Page if Reviews tab is not appearing that means you have not enabled the same. To turn on this feature, you need to go to settings and there click Templates and Tabs. Scroll down and click on the button Add a Tab.

Can you ask for recommendations on FB?

To ask for recommendations on Facebook: Tap What's on your mind? at the top of your Feed. Scroll down and tap Ask for Recommendations.

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