Bagaimana cara mengambil data dari database tanpa loop di php?

I was having trouble with returning PDO query results in arrays, due to the structure of the results of those queries (query array with arrays for results inside). Now when executing a fetchAll() on a query you get the following:

Array ( [0] = Array ( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") [1] = Array( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") )

This is a smaller array, but return results in a HUGE database this way and it quickly becomes IMPPOSIBRU to read out the array given._

This is where the glorious foreach comes in! We all know the basic writing of a foreach (foreach ($array as $key => $value) {...}), but with query results there's a twist, as both the $key AND $value variables are arrays, where $key is the array of the query containing the result arrays and $value is/are the result array(s) themselves.

So in this foreach we have to talk directly to $value to get our results! This would look something like this:_

  foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
      return $value["key2"];


This already does the job, but to return them in arrays we have to change our return code a little bit, like so:_

   foreach ($query as $key => $value) {
      return array (
             "key1" => $value["key1"],
             "key2" => $value["key2"]


Array ( [0] = Array ( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") [1] = Array( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") )0

Array ( [0] = Array ( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") [1] = Array( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") )1

Array ( [0] = Array ( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") [1] = Array( [key1] => "value1", [key2] => "value2") )2

to print an array, simply use print_r(array name)

like this:
    $myrow = mysql_fetch_row($result);
echo "

echo "";

this will output the array in a readable form, with the index, too. Don't forget the 'pre' tags or the output will be on a single line.

One of the most common mistakes that people make with this function, when using it multiple times in one script, is that they forget to use the mysql_data_seek() function to reset the internal data pointer.

When iterating through an array of MySQL results, e.g.

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    foreach ($line as $col_value) {
        echo $col_value . '

the internal data pointer for the array is advanced, incrementally, until there are no more elements left in the array. So, basically, if you copy/pasted the above code into a script TWICE, the second copy would not create any output. The reason is because the data pointer has been advanced to the end of the $line array and returned FALSE upon doing so.

If, for some reason, you wanted to interate through the array a second time, perhaps grabbing a different piece of data from the same result set, you would have to make sure you call

mysql_data_seek($result, 0);

This function resets the pointer and you can re-iterate through the $line array, again!

Loop foreach hanya berfungsi pada array, dan digunakan untuk mengulang setiap pasangan kunci/nilai dalam array


foreach ($array sebagai $nilai) {
kode yang akan dieksekusi;

Untuk setiap iterasi loop, nilai elemen array saat ini ditetapkan ke $value dan penunjuk array dipindahkan satu per satu, hingga mencapai elemen array terakhir

The for_ loop - Loops melalui blok kode beberapa kali tertentu

PHP untuk Loop

Loop for digunakan saat Anda mengetahui sebelumnya berapa kali skrip harus dijalankan


for (penghitung init; penghitung tes; penghitung kenaikan) {
kode yang akan dieksekusi untuk setiap iterasi;


  • penghitung init. Inisialisasi nilai penghitung loop
  • penghitung tes. Dievaluasi untuk setiap iterasi loop. Jika hasilnya BENAR, pengulangan berlanjut. Jika bernilai FALSE, loop berakhir
  • penghitung kenaikan. Meningkatkan nilai penghitung loop


Contoh di bawah menampilkan angka dari 0 sampai 10


untuk ($x = 0; $x

Cobalah sendiri "

Contoh Dijelaskan

  • $x = 0;
  • $x

    Cobalah sendiri "

    Contoh Dijelaskan

    • $x = 0;
    • $x query($query);
MySQLi Prosedural mysqli_query($conn, $query)
PDO. $stmt = $conn->prepare($query);

Bagaimana cara mengambil data dari database dalam array di PHP?

Data dapat diambil dari tabel MySQL dengan mengeksekusi pernyataan SQL SELECT melalui fungsi PHP mysql_query . Anda memiliki beberapa opsi untuk mengambil data dari MySQL. Opsi yang paling sering digunakan adalah menggunakan fungsi mysql_fetch_array(). Fungsi ini mengembalikan baris sebagai larik asosiatif, larik numerik, atau keduanya.

Bagaimana kita bisa mengambil data dari database baris demi baris di PHP?

Mengambil baris atau kolom dari kumpulan hasil di PHP (PDO) .
Untuk mengembalikan satu baris dari hasil yang ditetapkan sebagai larik atau objek, panggil PDOStatement. metode pengambilan
Untuk mengembalikan semua baris dari hasil yang ditetapkan sebagai larik array atau objek, panggil PDOStatement. metode fetchAll

Bagaimana cara mengambil data dari database dan ditampilkan dalam Tabel di PHP?

php $koneksi=mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password');

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