Bagaimana cara anda dalam menyikapi perbedaan pendapat dengan teman yang berbeda ormas

Amirul Nisa Kamis, 24 Maret 2022 | 07:00 WIB

Cara menghadapi perbedaan. (freepik) - Perbedaan adalah hal wajar yang terjadi antar manusia dan bisa dalam banyak hal.

Karena itu, penting untuk bisa menghadapi perbedaan yang ada seperti penjelasan materi kelas 3 SD tema 7.

Perbedaan bisa terjadi pada banyak hal, seperti perbedaan pendapat, suku, budaya, bentuk fisik, hingga pekerjaan.

Setiap perbedaan itu wajar terjadi, terlebih di Indonesia yang memiliki banyak suku yang berbeda-beda.

Walau memiliki banyak perbedaan, masyarakat Indonesia tetap bersatu dalam negara yang sama.

Untuk bisa terus mempertahankan persatuan dan terhindar dari perpecahan, tentu diperlukan berbagai sikap yang harus dimiliki.

Berikut beberapa sikap penting untuk menghadapi perbedaan yang ada.

1. Saling Memahami

Saat menghadapi perbedaan, tentu penting untuk memiliki sikap saling memahami.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Materi Kelas 3 SD Tema 7, Apakah Penting Bagi Kita untuk Menghargai Keragaman?

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Cara menghadapi perbedaan. - Perbedaan adalah hal wajar yang terjadi antar manusia dan bisa dalam banyak hal.

Karena itu, penting untuk bisa menghadapi perbedaan yang ada seperti penjelasan materi kelas 3 SD tema 7.

Perbedaan bisa terjadi pada banyak hal, seperti perbedaan pendapat, suku, budaya, bentuk fisik, hingga pekerjaan.

Setiap perbedaan itu wajar terjadi, terlebih di Indonesia yang memiliki banyak suku yang berbeda-beda.

Walau memiliki banyak perbedaan, masyarakat Indonesia tetap bersatu dalam negara yang sama.

Untuk bisa terus mempertahankan persatuan dan terhindar dari perpecahan, tentu diperlukan berbagai sikap yang harus dimiliki.

Berikut beberapa sikap penting untuk menghadapi perbedaan yang ada.

1. Saling Memahami

Saat menghadapi perbedaan, tentu penting untuk memiliki sikap saling memahami.

Baca Juga: Cari Jawaban Materi Kelas 3 SD Tema 7, Apakah Penting Bagi Kita untuk Menghargai Keragaman?

UNS‘Solidarity in Diversity’ was appointed as the theme of the Sebelas Maret Islamic Festival (SIFT) Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta in 2020. The webinar entitled ‘Islam, Tasamuh, and Plurality’ was also held as one of the SIFT webinar series by Jamaah Nurul Huda Islamic Student Activity Unit (JN-UKMI) UNS, Saturday (26/9/2020).

Present as a speaker, Prof. Dr. H. Abdul Mu’ti, M.Ed. who is a lecturer at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, discussing tolerance in addressing diversity. Prof. Mu’ti explained that in responding to diversity, ‘tasamuh’ or tolerance is needed. Namely attitudes and behaviors that recognize and respect differences in both religious aspects and various other aspects of life.

“The word tasamuh, he added, is not found in the Koran. However, the attitudes and behavior of tasamuh are Islamic teachings and values ​​which are affirmed in several suras. Among other things, QS. Al-Kafirun (109): 1-6 and QS. Al-An’am (6): 107-108, “explained Prof. Mu’ti who is also a member of the Indonesia United Council of Religion and Pluralism.

Furthermore, Prof. Mu’ti also described the five attitudes and behaviors of tasamuh. First, understand and realize the differences between humans with one another. This includes understanding the points of difference and similarities and their causes.

After understanding these differences, the next attitude is to respect differences as a belief and personal choice. To act not to criticize, blame, demean, disbelieve, or impose one’s will on other people or parties.

“If we see differences more often as a product, not a process, it will create fanaticism. We are different, yes, but don’t vilify or criticize other groups. It is also not allowed for those of different religions. It is better to race with good, not evil and sentiments that end up criticizing others,” he added.

The third attitude is to accept the existence of different friends, while maintaining and maintaining personal or group beliefs and identities. Accepting this existence, can also be shown by providing opportunities, accommodating, and facilitating others to be able to carry out their beliefs and maintain their identity.

Because being different does not mean disagreeing, a priori, and not caring about other people or parties. Being different does not mean independent ”. This Tasamuh also encourages to help and foster love between humans. During, said Prof. Mu’ti, the origin of which is creed is not mixed.

This is in line with what Prof. emphasized. Mu’ti then, namely the importance of the process of knowing and associating with friends from various backgrounds. Where in the association, still apply a tolerant attitude to create peace. However, of course by not loosening self-confidence and covering up our identity.

“Tell us who we are. There is no need to hide each other’s beliefs. It is precisely this plurality that encourages us to show our beliefs. There are limits where we can be together, there are limits where we are different,” explained Prof. Mu’ti.

In his material, Prof. Mu’ti also explained that plurality is characterized by physical, intellectual, and religious differences that occur due to natural, scientific, and amaliah causes. Natural factors, he added, are factors that follow God’s law in various processes and events in the universe.

For example, people with different ethnicities, languages, nations, and other natural differences are evidence of God’s power. These variations show the existence of humans from one another. 
Meanwhile, scientific factors are related to intellectual processes, including the ijtihad method. In this case, humans differ in terms of religion, madhzab, strategy, and religious manhaj.

“Then, the amaliah factor relates to the context, orientation, and strategy of the struggle as well as personal matters,” added Prof. Mu’ti.

On this occasion, Prof. Kuncoro Diharjo as Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni UNS to open the webinar. In his speech, Prof. Kuncoro thanked all those who have been willing to help and join SIFT UNS this year and invited the audience to always instill a sense of togetherness in differences. UNS Public Relations

Reporter: Kaffa Hidayati
Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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